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NewDiscountCodes Vouchers

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Разработчик NewDiscountCodes.Com

Love top brands and want to save money when shopping? Do good for others while you shop?

Over 100,000 brands and over 5,00,000 offers. Over 10,000 offers are added weekly. You will be able to save up to 90% on the items you love.

We donate 7% of our profits to charity. Every time you use that code you know you are also doing good for the needy.

- Location sensitive intelligence brings your local offers to the top.
- Browse through the featured and hot offers voted by other users.
- Explore offers from stores nearby.
- Search by store/brand name and find their best offering.
- Like a code, why not share it with your family and friends with our easy to share options.
- Charity donation 7% of profits every time to use the code.

It’s easy to use and save money.

Hot brands with big savings currently popular with our users:
- New Look
- Marks & Spencer
- Matalan
- Debenhams
- Currys
- The Body Shop
- Boots
- Schuh
- Wiggle

Remember to share your location when prompted so we can display the nearby deals.

Its extremely easy to use the app.
1. Download the free app
2. Find the offer by looking through our featured offers, searching for the brand or store or by deals nearby.
3. Use the offers online or show it at the till.
4. Money saved!

We have a large community and a dedicated team adding new stores and vouchers 24 hours a day and seven days a week so you dont miss out on a great deal.

Many of our offers are exclusive to us and you wont find them anywhere else.

Start making huge savings with our discount and voucher codes. You will be able to save money at retailers, fashion stores, supermarkets, attractions, restaurants, day out experiences, gift stores, electricals stores and much more.

Have fun and help the needy by supporting this app.